Peak Producers

For additional information and contact details see our brochure and visit our website.

The Peak Producers consists of area real estate agents in the top 10% of their field, based on volume of closed listing and sale transactions in the Pikes Peak MLS from the previous year.

The total number of Agents in PPAR as of 12/31/23 was 4,400 – approximately 121 less than the year before.

The top 10% of active local Agents closed 14,059 transaction sides in 2023, or 48% of the total. The remaining 90% of Agents closed 14,975 transaction sides, or 52% of the total. This year’s 85 Peak Producer members and teams closed 2,900.5 transaction sides in 2023, or 10% of the total!

Pikes Peak Area Active Agents closed on average 6.6 transaction sides each in 2023 while the top 10% of those Active Agents each closed on average 30.9 transactions last year. This year’s Peak Producer members averaged 34.12 transaction sides each in 2023 –which is over five times more than the average active agent in the Pikes Peak Area!

Agents who are selected to this elite organization have opportunities to enhance their community and professional career in the following areas:

Promotion & Marketing – Print & online resources

Network & Education – Events held throughout the year to continue education to including guest speakers

Leadership – Yearly board member opportunities

Philanthropy – Support three community organizations, Springs Rescue Mission, Mary’s Home & Reclaiming Hope through donations and volunteer opportunities

The information used in the above statistics was taken from the PPMLS and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. All calculations and interpretations from this data are also deemed reliable but not guaranteed

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